Huron Valley State Bank Supports Blessings In A Backpack with a $550 Donation

On Friday, July 31, Huron Valley State Bank donated $550 to Huron Valley Blessings in a Backpack to assist with adopting five children for the 2020-2021 school year. This will provide six meals each weekend during the entire school year to those five children who are part of the schools reduced or no cost lunch program.  A big check was presented at the Huron Valley Schools District Office.

“In these exceptionally challenging times, community partnerships have never been more important,” said Jack Shubitowski, President and CEO of the Huron Valley State Bank. “Huron Valley State Bank is committed to helping our neighbors struggling with nourishment needs with the ongoing wake of the pandemic’s economic impacts.  The bank is all about giving back to our community when the need arises”. 

“We are grateful for Huron Valley State Bank’s support.  Due to COVID-19 and the executive order in the state of Michigan Blessings in a Backpack wasn’t able to hold our largest fundraising event of the year. Without the donations we normally get from that event we will struggle to provide the same amount of meals we have in the past.” Said Mary Hydorn, member of the Huron Valley Optimists.

“Huron Valley State Bank and the Blessings in a Backpack program epitomize commitment to community," said Dr. Paul Salah, Huron Valley Schools Superintendent. "It is community organizations and businesses like these that make the Huron Valley area a truly special place to live, work and raise a family.

Blessings in a Backpack a non-profit organization that feeds school children in the United States who currently are fed during the week on the federally funded Free and Reduced Meal Program and are at risk of going hungry on the weekends. Its mission is to mobilize communities, individuals, and resources to provide food on the weekends for elementary school children across America who might otherwise go hungry. If interested in adopting a Huron Valley child through Blessings in a Backpack you can either mail a check or money order to P.O. Box 1015 Highland MI 48357.

Huron Valley State Bank has a proud history of giving back to the community through sponsorships and donations.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many of these programs are postponed or cancelled for an undetermined period of time. In April, the bank supported Meals on Wheels to provide food donations for pantry bags to the seniors.  In May, the bank supported Open Door Outreach Center with a direct donation.  Then most recently the bank gave a donation to Hospitality House.  If you know of an organization in great need to support its fellow community members, please contact and the request will be reviewed by the Sponsorship and Donations Committee. 

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