Huron Valley State Bank Employees Collect 100 Boxes of Cereal for Community Sharing

Bank Matches $2 Per Each Box

Employees at Huron Valley State Bank organized a cereal drive to benefit families in the community.  The last week of July, cereal boxes and monetary donations were collected from the employees and customers.  The monetary donations were used to purchase cereal.  As a result, 100 boxes of cereal were donated to Community Sharing on Wednesday, August 11th

Community Sharing is in the process of building a permanent facility.  Since their inception in 2004, they have relocated multiple times.  To assist Community Sharing with their mission and encourage more cereal donations, the bank agreed to provide $2 to the building fund for each box of cereal collected. 

“I am impressed that we were able to collect so many boxes of cereal and provide a delicious option to families in the community,” said Becky LeDuc, Customer Service Representative of the Highland.  “In addition, the $200 check toward the building fund is a nice addition to this program.” The employees that organized the program are part of the bank’s marketing committee, comprised of Nancy Gomez, Rebecca LeDuc, Sheri Miles and Eric Shubitowski. 

“We are grateful to Huron Valley State Bank for their incredible efforts that went into their cereal drive to support families throughout the community,” said Dave Bell, Community Sharing President. 

For more information about the Community Sharing or to make a donation to the building fund please visit



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