Huron Valley State Bank Donates Over 250 Cans to Open Door Outreach Center

Throughout the month of February, employees at Huron Valley State Bank organized a soup drive to provide donations to Open Door Outreach Center.  As a result, over 250 cans of soup were collected to help families in the community. 

The “Soup-er Bowl” program kicked off the week leading up the Super Bowl, where employees and the community cast their votes for the predicted winning team by placing a can of soup in the collection basket for the team of their choice.  Throughout the rest of the month, employees and customers could donate soup at the Milford or Highland branches and the Financial Center. 

“I am astonished we were able to collect so much soup,” said Rebecca LeDuc, Customer Service Representative of Highland.  “It was a terrific program to organize and ties right into our mission of giving back to the community.” The employees that organized the program are part of the bank’s marketing committee, comprised of Nancy Gomez, Rebecca LeDuc, Sheri Miles and Eric Shubitowski. 

Open Door Outreach Center is a 501c-3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization.  Their mission is to recognize the human dignity of all people and to provide emergency services of food, clothing, and referral information to families in need. Open Door has two locations in Waterford.  Their resale store provides funds for the outreach center, which included clothing, jewelry, odds and ends, religious books, consignment items, food and needed items for clients.


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