Huron Valley State Bank Community Giveback Program for Seniors During Covid-19

On Thursday, April 23, Huron Valley State Bank donated a variety of shelf-stable protein products along with soup and crackers to Meals on Wheels to assist the senior community. To facilitate this program and maintain proper social distancing measures, the bank enlisted the support of other community partners. Huron Valley State Bank purchased the products from the local grocery store, Matti’s Fresh Market. Then worked closely with MiAbilities, a local non-profit to transport the items to the local field office of Meals on Wheels.

The bank has a proud history of giving back to the community through sponsorships and donations. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many of these programs are postponed or cancelled for an undetermined period of time. The bank looked at many different opportunities and recognized a great need for the senior population. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), older adults are among those most at risk for the coronavirus. Many of the seniors that are homebound and currently receiving services are limited in their resources and funding.

The bank contacted the local Meals on Wheels office and they reaffirmed the need for nourishment and requested protein products that could be used to fill pantry bags. The panty bags consist of canned tuna, chicken, peanut butter, juice, fruit cups, soup and crackers and are provided to seniors in addition to their hot meals so they have a source of food between delivers or in case of an emergency.

“As a community bank at times like this it is about synergy and coming together in a time of need. We are proud to make purchases locally from Matti’s Fresh Market, enlist the services of MiAbilities to assist with transporting the donations to the Meals on Wheels Office and make a direct impact on seniors in our community,” said Jack Shubitowski, President and CEO.

“We are so grateful for the bank for setting this up and for all the donations,” said Bridget Ajemian from Meals on Wheels, “This will make a direct impact on our seniors”.

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