Huron Valley State Bank Celebrates Annual Money Smart Poster Contest

Huron Valley State Bank hosted a poster contest for elementary age students in the Huron Valley district during the month of May. The Bank asked the students to create a poster in response to the phrase, "Saving Money Makes Cents.” There was a $25 cash reward for the best poster by grade level and a grand prize cash award of $100. Posters were submitted at the end of the month, judged by employees of the bank and displayed at the Highland and Milford Branch for two weeks. The poster winners are as follows:

Grade level winners are: Mia Gojcaj (1st Grade, Country Oaks), Rrok Gojcaj (3rd Grade, Country Oaks), Jillian Broyles (4th Grade, Heritage), and a tie for 5th Grade winner between Booker Ostach (Country Oaks) and Jake Heykoop (Oxbow).

The grand prize winner was Hazel Syke a 5th Grader at Highland Elementary. “This was our third year hosting the Money Smart Poster Contest, and I cannot wait to watch the program’s continued growth in the future. The contest gives students an opportunity to learn about saving money through a creative outlook,” said Jack Shubitowski, President and CEO of Huron Valley State Bank.

Throughout the school year, Huron Valley State Bank gave a financial literacy presentation to local girl scout troops as well as Milford High School and Lakeland High School’s personal finance classes. “We are passionate about educating the High School Juniors and Seniors on lending, establishing credit, budgeting, scams and many other important topics. These are valuable lifelong skills that they need when heading off to their next stop in life. As for local troops, we enjoy assisting them achieve their finance badges and educate them in age appropriate topics on money management,” said Sheri Miles, Marketing Director.

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