Avoid Email Compromise Follow these steps to ensure your email safety Fraud At Huron Valley State Bank, your security and information safety are our top priorities. We wanted to share with you some resources to protect yourself from being a victim of fraud and ways to avoid email compromise. Scammers often employ deceptive tactics to trick people into revealing sensitive information or creatively finding ways that could harm them financially. Most times this involves fraudulent requests for personal information such as social security and account numbers, payment details, or login credentials. Be on the lookout for: Unprofessional looking emails (typos, strange colors, or graphics) Urgent or threatening language demanding payment now Suspicious links or attachments - Always think before you click Inconsistent email disclaimer - company name doesn’t match the email disclaimer Fake or spoof URLs – example HUSB.com (changing U for V for HVSB.com) Paypal.com.secure-site.com (in this case, the domain name is actually “secure-site.com” not “paypal.com”) WaImart.com (using a capital “i” instead of a lower case “l”) What to do if you suspect your identify has been compromised or you’re a victim of a scam: Do Not Respond Report the Suspicious Email to info@hvsb.com Contact us We want to emphasize that we never solicit your personal information through text messages, emails, phone calls, or the Internet. This information is only requested when you initiate contact with us, aiming to verify your identity and enhance the security of your accounts. For any security-related questions or concerns about your accounts please contact us immediately. Previous Article Protect Yourself Online Next Article Protect your Phone from Fraud